Veterans In the News
Appleton Woman Spearheads Massive Effort To Clean Veterans’ Grave Markers At Riverside Cemetery
For several years, Laurel Sternhagen, a 36-year Army veteran, has placed U.S. flags at the grave sites of veterans buried at Riverside Cemetery as part of a Memorial Day tribute.
Veterans Service Offices are there to help local veterans
Veterans, do you wonder what benefits are out there for you and how you can get them? Perhaps you have tried to find out, but it was all so complicated. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was someone out there who would look up benefits specifically for you?

Veteran Benefits
A veteran that is discharged honorably can potentially receive a site for burial in our designated Veteran area. We offer a discount to a veteran in our new Veteran Columbarium. Here are the links to local Veterans Office locations:
Outagamie County Veterans Office