Genealogy & Burial Search
If you are looking for the location of an individual or family member interred at Riverside Cemetery you can start by going to the Burial Search link and searching for their name. Please click the link for instructions how to use the Burial Search website. Burial Search Instructions.
If you are looking for information on your family member, the knowledgeable staff at Riverside Cemetery can conduct a comprehensive search of our on-site cemetery records for any individual or family name you may need. To begin looking for a particular burial record, please fill out our Genealogy Services Request form below or contact the Cemetery office to request information.
Donations are greatly appreciated.
Genealogy Request Form

“Thank you so much for your excellent assistance on my recent genealogical trip to Wisconsin. within moments of my arrival to your office, maps were produced which helped me to find my 2nd great grandparents. As a bonus I found other family members nearby. The grounds are beautiful and very well maintained.”
Thank you, G.C.